Hello has all I think that it is not as simple as to say: let us re-use waste waters. One goes towards a medical catastrophe. it is already occu...

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Hello has all I think that it is not as simple as to say: let us re-use waste waters. One goes towards a medical catastrophe. it is already occu...
Hello has all I think that it is not as simple as to say: let us re-use waste waters. One goes towards a medical catastrophe. it is already occurring by the rejections of the sewage treatment plants where the person does not emphasize the regulation and the health risks. However they really exist. a sewage treatment plant functions according to the principle of filtration. All the diffuse pollution diluted in the water of rejection is dispersed in the hydraulic mediums or the grounds. besides pollution there diffuses is especially micro the pollutant chemical coming from all the chemical domestic maintenance products which them pollute in a perennial way the environment. Lyseconcept develops a concept of purification treatment and recycling of waste waters for the immediate watering of the vegetable garden. By extension this concept removes touched them purification and their collecting systems to which the performance épuratoire is quasi worthless close to zero. With the CEBRE one approaches a performance épuratoire of more than 98% and without no production of mud residues. Recently lyseconcept in collaboration with Africans sets up PROJECTS of revalorization of waste waters for a productive organic farming, the CREABPA. To answer all NOT one should not about it set up the re-use of waste waters for agriculture in a so simplistic way. imperative conditions are obligatory such as for example a system of COMPLETELY BIOLOGICAL treatment of purification. what implies an information system strategic plan of cleansing contrary to what currently occurs. it is dreamed of the whole world to want to re-use the waste waters, a resource ad infinitum. To date only the company lyseconcept develops a biological process of treatment of waste waters, without mechanization, filtration, decantation and production of mud residues. the process "Pit Biological "lyseconcept activates in its centre enters 14 and 16 biological parameters of Biological breakdown. Should be known a paramount thing: no system of traitemet of purification whatever it is able to eliminate to it (them) pollution (S) diffuses (S) contained (S) in waste waters. lyseconcept found SOLUTION http://www.lyseconcept.fr, http://www.creabpa.fr,

