Smaat India
Over these 7 successful years, we have expanded our horizons to meet the Water and Air Treatment needs of various sectors ranging from Industries, Residential homes, Restaurants, Hotels, Food and Beverage plants, Laundries, Educational Institutions, Commercial properties, Farms, Dairies, Bottling plants, Hatcheries, Nurseries and beyond.
Today, Smaat India has grown beyond just a Water and Air treatment Company. It is recognized as one of the leading Global Environmental Companies with clients and projects across 33 Countries and treating over 950 million liters of Water every day.
We summarize our activities below :
- To design, manufacture, trade, buy, sell, erect, construct, install, maintain, service, distribute, export, import and deal with Water Treatment Plants and all types of water treatment equipments, machinery, components, spares and stores and material used for processing, treating water, Engineering, Procurement & Construction and Trunkey Contracts for water treatment.
- To carry on the business of setting up of water treatment plants and to set up community based water treatment plants in gram panchayaths, municipalities, corporations in collaboration with them and sale of water to the residents of the locality and to treat, process, soften and purify water for all types of users and organizations like industries, municipalities, govt. bodies etc.
- To treat, process, purify and control pollutants like Effluents, Air, Chemicals, Noise, Liquid & Solid Wastes including all types of hazardous wastes by establishing treatment plants in India and Abroad.
- To design, manufacture, trade, buy, sell, erect, construct, install, maintain, service, distribute, export, import and deal with Package Sewerage Treatment Plants, Effluent Treatment Plants and all types of pollution control equipments, machinery, components, spares and stores and material used for processing, treating, for controlling the pollutants, Engineering, Procurement & Construction and Trunkey Contracts for pollution control.
- To design, manufacture, trade, buy, sell, erect, construct, install, maintain, service, distribute, export, import and deal with energy generation devises such as solar panels, energy saving devises, energy storing devises, lighting devises, equipments, machinery, components, spares and stores and material used for energy.
- To undertake research work in establishing water and wastewater treatment plants and marketing newer indigenous technologies for manufacturing pollution control equipments such as incinerators, dissolved air floatation systems, slow speed and high speed mixers, clarifiers and clariflocculators, fixed and floating aerators, wet scrubbers ventilation systems, bag filters, cyclones, multi clones and electro - static precipitators.
- To create laboratory facilities with sophisticated equipment for analysis of water, air, noise, soil, waste-water, effluents, solid wastes, and to carry out treatability studies for waste-water treatment and all other types of pollutants and also Environment Impact Assessment, Environmental Audits, Risk Assessment and all other works pertaining to Environmental Engineering and Management.
- To construct, maintain, develop, work control and manage any dams, barrages, canals, water storage pongs, reservoirs, silt removal in water bodies, landscaping, land development for agriculture, floriculture, horticulture activities, water-works, aquifers, gas works, reservoirs, roads, railways, bridges, electric power, heat and light supply works, telephone works, hotels, clubs, restaurants, baths, places of worship, buildings, places of amusement, pleasure grounds, parks, gardens, reading rooms, stores, shops, diaries and other works and conveniences.
- To carry on the business of Engineers, Design Engineers, Consultants, Civil Contractors, Mechanical Contractors, Engineering, Procurement & Construction (EPC) and Turnkey Contractors in relation to Civil, Mechanical, Electrical, Industrial Constructions, Electrical, and Electronic works.
- To undertake and carry on, in India and abroad, the business of Commercial Cleaning, Conservancy Cleaning, Public Cleaning, Mechanical Street Sweeping, External Façade i.e. cleaning of high rise buildings, Pest Control, House Keeping Management, Facilities Management, Railway Coach Cleaning, Waste Collection, Landscaping and such environmental and other related works.
- To undertake and carry on, in India and abroad, the business of generation, transmission, distribution, measurement, testing, utilization, stabilization and conversion including mining of all forms of energy such as conventional energy based on fossil fuels such as oil, coal, naphtha or natural gas, atomic energy and non-conventional / renewable energy based on hydro, solar (photo voltaic & thermal), wind, bio-mass, bio liquid fuels from fuel crops, wave energy from nature directly or otherwise, and wastes such as municipal / urban, industrial, bio-medical, waste wood, animal dung and human excreta.
- To undertake and carry on the, in India or abroad, the business of execution of projects based on engineering, procurement and construction basis or build, own, operate, maintain and or transfer basis of all types of infrastructure projects such as water, gas, energy, roads, buildings etc.
- Email: info@smaatindiacom
- Website:
- Phone: +91 - 9000 365 000
- Location: Hyderabad, India
- Solutions & Services
- Treatment
- India