M/s Paper Products Pvt Ltd
Paper processing(polyethylene coating on varieties of papers) industry running 24x7. I was Electronics Engineer looking after the entire system and specifically hexa-phase power supply using Thyristers (this was in 1975-1979, a new find in power control). Later I also learned the processing of paper and polyethylene coating, the screw design extrusion coating machine. I can boast that in two years of my functioning and Maintenance Engineer, total breakdown due to electronic failure was less than 8 hours.
Then I was sifted as Incharge of a shift looking after the production and be responsible for the workers working under me and meeting the targets. I can say I ave been successful in both roles.
I joined CSIR-NEERI in July 1979 and worked in various capacities in several projects and also looking after the Central Computing Facility of CSIR-NEERI at Nagpur. I was instrumental in selection and installation of Mini computers IMPACT from CMC, and HP Graphics workstation 730s. ERDAS-IMAGINE, ARC-GIS, RDBMS, KAPPA Expert system development software were installed under my supervision.
I have worked on GIS and developed various scenarios required for analysis of Carrying Capacity Based Developmental Projects of Doon Valley and NCR. I was incharge of computer center till 1996 when I was shifted to the Jaipur Zonal Laboratory of CSIR-NEERI. I worked there on various projects related water quality, wastewtater treatment plant design, Turn-key implementation of CETPs at Pali and Balotra.
I also earned by post graduate in Environmental Engineering where I learned the tricks of the trade including hydraulics, civil engg., mathematical programming, Mathematical modelling, etc. I worked in JZL till Jan 2005 but looking after both Jaipur and Delhi centers as Scientist & Head.
In Delhi, I had a different type of working environment and projects. I quickly learned the nuances and soon became Project Leader for these projects in Delhhi center where I worked till July 2014 when I superannuated and retired from active government service.
Post tat I worked for two years in National Water Mission under MoWR,GR&RD (now Jal Shakti). I was responsible for the entire water quality data to be uploaded in public platforms and forum. In collaboration with CWC, software was developed and data was uploaded. Also, R&D in new and improvised instrumentation for continuous monitoring of water quality. NIH Roorkee is conducting the R&D. I left in 2017 when I fell seriously ill forn about a year.
I am working as Consultant to PDCOR Ltd Jaipur for EIA studies.
I am Chief Advisor to India Water Foundation, New Delhi
I am Vice-President of NOIDA Federation of Apartment Owners Association (High rise societies about 200) since last two years.
I have been elected as President of my own society (were I live) in 2018.
- India