DILIP DURBUDE, Scientist at National Institute of Hydrology, Roorkee - 247667, Uttarakhand, India


More than twenty years of experience as research scientist since 1996 in National level Institute like National Institute of Hydrology, the research focus on the challenging issues involved in hydrology and it's allied field such as planning and management of water resources, environmental flow assessment, hydrological behaviour of watershed, application of remote sensing and geological information system in watershed characterization, prioritization, change detection, site suitability analysis for harvesting and conservation structures, assessment of water resources, soil erosion, reservoir sedimentation, evolving hazard free optimal utilization of water resources in meso-scale, drought vulnerability indices for preparedness and mitigation and imparting training to the professionals in various sectors like irrigation engineer for land and water management.


Industry experience

Education: PhD

Seniority: Manager, Director, Professor

Years of experience: 20 years or above

Work experience
