PAS Project


The Performance Assessment System (PAS) is an action research programme, initiated by the CEPT University, Ahmedabad, with funding from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Since 2009, PAS has supported development of tools, methods and processes for performance assessment and improvement in delivery of urban water and sanitation services. Implementation of the PAS online module, which began with the states of Gujarat and Maharashtra has now been extended to Telangana, Chhattisgarh, Assam and Jharkhand, covering 900+ cities of India.

In recent years PAS programme has focused its work on urban sanitation. It has developed indicators for measuring on-site sanitation, developed framework for citywide sanitation planning and supported cities in implementing city sanitation plans that focus on making cities open defecation free (ODF). In support of these efforts, PAS team is working on developing innovative sanitation financing mechanisms.
