Cleaning of water resources through Vedic sciences

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Cleaning of water resources through Vedic sciences

Swami Valmiki Sreenivasa Ayyangarya is an Indian ascetic of the Hindu Vaishnavaite order. He has studied Bsc Statistics Honours and had developed keen interest in ancient literature written in Sanskrit language .


He has developed, tested and applied on several large scale commercial projects successfully , his concepts and applied technologies which he has invented, for enabling waste recycling into agriculture, understanding the proper use of wastes and how they should be recycled without mere transfer of one form of pollution into another.

As an extension of his applied technologies, he has focused on waste water, highly toxic industrial effluents, enabling proper use of such wastes and toxic materials and on recycling the water into grey water fit for irrigation, ground water recharge or even further purifying to a stage, when it is fit for use as drinking water.

R.O, ultra filtrations have no need for application when the recycled water is put to abovementioned uses. The material sciences of Vedic Sciences, follow a different approach, understanding and unless one is prepared to walk the talk, the modern day sciences are totally alien to such Vedic Sciences. What is of interest however, is that end results are achieved in simplified short steps, amazingly elegant, cost effective and economical and therefore can be considered competitive. to concepts and approaches existing today.

